Forums » Immersive Storytelling VR/AR & AI Tools

What are the benefits of Virtual Reality?

    • 19 posts
    September 1, 2022 10:04 PM PDT

    I was talking with a friend the other day and I was telling him about virtual reality and how I want to become a VR flmmaker. He then asked me: What are the benefits of Virtual Reality?
    I started answering him, from my limited knowledge. that VR is a great new technology that can allow viewers to immerse themselves in the story and feel as if they are a witness at the events that are being unfolded in front of them. My friend continued to ask me the same question, feeling that my response was not fully answering his question. I really did not know what to answer. Now I am thinking over and over again of the same thing. What are the benefits of VR aside froom the one that I mentioned?

    • 82 posts
    September 6, 2022 3:06 AM PDT

    I read somewhere that some doctors conduct a very difficult surgery in a VR simulation before doing it in real life. VR really is a great technology and I am sure it has many benefits, most of which we are currently unaware of. You can tell your friend that if you want to make short films, you can create the best horror films that were ever created in VR and he can get really scared by watching them - unlike any other previous experience he ever had.