


Blogs » When things slow down a little.....

When things slow down a little.....

  • I have to hope that they will at some point.
    Since you guys and gals don't really know me just yet what you should know is: I founded Palatia Motion Picture Group here in North Texas. Our films include: "Those Sneaky Devils" "The Fire" "The Other Cheek" "Waitlesness" "Sanctus Donum", and now "Unglued".

    Ok, here's all the stuff thats been going on with the filmmaking. Unglued, a short psycological thriller is still in production. We set out to shoot this last November and the plan was for a shooting schedule inside of a 3 month window. Didn't happen. The best laid plans...So the final shoot weekend, a big all hands trek to an isolated (and extremely creepy) cabin in the piney woods of east Texas is scheduled for May 18th - 20th. Hopefully by the 21st of May we will be totally in post on this one. Scenes have been edited or at least rough cut as we have been going along, so maybe post won't be such a big project. Last year I built a new edit and post suite for Palatia Motion Picture Group. Details of which can be seen at our website. I recently replaced all the editing hardware, and built a new 2TB RAID array that will support editing HD. I've really done some great effects and compositing work, using Autodesk Combustion 4, for Unglued on the new system. It is so much more powerful than our old workstation that the additional levels of realtime performance make all the difference in how creative I can be with effects. Trying something different isn't as costly time-wise. I'm talking with a producer this coming Friday about doing a micro-documentary on a part of the video game industry, that will screen for a year at the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston. That could be cool. This summer I suspect that after Unglued is complete, and we get it out to some festivals, we might do a music video project. More to come...CK